Doctor Halsey from the episode Unbound in Season One of the Halo Television Series
“What does one do with a superhuman you’re not sure you can trust?”
— Fleet Admiral Terrance Hood
For many people, including myself, accepting the Halo TV Series as true Halo has been difficult. While I have been unabashedly in favor of the show and supporting of the production news as it came out over the last few years, seeing the first episode was a jarring experience. I knew this would not be core canon, that is the storyline experienced in the games, novels, comics, and every other form of official Halo media to date. So while that didn’t throw me off, the scale of the changes was surprising and unexpected. It very much felt like the expansive Halo universe that has been built over the past twenty years was being crunched into a much shorter and much simpler timeline. Events like the opening scene feel like they should have happened in 2525 (the start of the war), not 2552 (the end of the war). The very bureaucratic and complicated structure of the UNSC, ONI, and the UEG seems to have been thematically combined into a single government entity. The lead characters running the Spartan program, xenobiology and xenotechnology studies, and local military command are all the same family (Halsey & the Keyes).
That all said, I’ve become accepting of the significantly different timeline and portrayal, and of the former, I actually am glad they went that route. I won’t deny that having a show based in core canon would be preferable to me as a lore nut, but I think this is actually better than a show that was riding the line of core canon with only a few differences. Being so significantly different I would consider this a reboot of the fictional universe, which has made it easier for me to let go of the core canon and enjoy the show and the new experiences it has to offer. I found myself questioning every scene in the first episode, wondering why they made the changes they did and trying desperately to fit this into the Halo universe I know and love. By the time I watched it a second time I had mostly left that mindset behind, and by the second episode I had complete separated core canon from the Silver Timeline in my head. I finally feel free to experience the show without the baggage of fifteen-million years of established timeline, and because of that I am really beginning to love the Halo series and the new path it is blazing.
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The following article will discuss major plot points related to episodes one and two of the Halo TV Series.
Bad News First
All that said, there are definitely issues I have with the Halo series thus far. While the show has done a good job to this point with establishing the broad strokes of the Halo universe, the finer points that make the Halo universe stand out from other military science fiction have been mostly glossed over. The major plot points of the Rubble and Soren-066 feel like fairly generic ‘struggling rebel colony home to good-guy-gone-bad pirate with a moral compass’. Similarly Fleetcom has a fairly generic feel as the home to the military command, and Halsey’s lab seemingly has lost the charm of the cluttered and messy office we’ve come to know from the novels. Madrigal is introduced in the opening scene as the standard desert planet being harvested for resources, and its return in the second episode did little to expand it beyond that generic trope. I am hopeful these establishing locations get built out throughout the season and the show, giving them more depth, but as they stand now, they are pretty generic flat locations.
This issue seems to stem in part from the show’s pacing. Say what you will about the second episode, but the first episode introduces a large portion of the main cast and locations and does so very quickly. This has led to a very fast-paced episode, but it sacrificed the building of more unique and interesting settings. Pacing is always a major concern with any television show, and while I am sure the writers were worried that a show that started off too slow would push away the general audience who were expecting action and fighting, I think they leaned too far in the other direction and sped through some of the most important aspects to building a distinctive television universe. This was somewhat remedied in the second episode, but I fear the significantly slower pace of episode two will scare off those who really enjoyed the action from episode one.
Halsey’s lab feels very… spartan.
Now the Good News
All that aside, I am really getting into the show, and am interested in where the story is headed. I mean, lets be honest, we kind of know where the story is headed, and it is a large circular artificial world that looks like one of those things that float above the heads of angels. But until then, there is actually a lot we don’t know about the Silver Timeline. Yes the Covenant are at war with humanity so we are bound to see a glassing or two, Reach is destined to fall one way or another, and humanity will soldier on, fighting the good fight. What is the ultimate fate of the characters though, we don’t know. Will Silver Team survive intact? Where do the Soren and Makee plot lines go? We really don’t know where the story is going to go episode to episode, and I love that. Between this show and Infinite, I don’t think I have been as excited to explore a new Halo story in many years, and that’s because I am interested in where the story goes. A retelling of The Fall of Reach would have been interesting to us lore nerds, but we would know where the story was headed at every moment, and the suspense would be gone.
As someone who loves character development over almost anything else in a drama, episode two was by far my favorite episode of the two released so far. It is not without its flaws, but it slows the pace way down, and takes the time to establish the world and characters better, as well as build out the story that will drive the rest of the season. Many have complained about how slow this episode is, but that is actually a huge reason why I enjoyed it so much. It feels like the difference between Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2 in terms of story and on a much smaller scale. While the former introduced the world in very superficial terms, the latter built out the lore, establishing the characters and their motivations.
What makes me excited is knowing where we are going to end up by the end of season one or two, but not knowing how we are going to get there. This timeline is different enough that I really can’t predict what is going to happen beat for beat or even episode to episode, and I am here for it! Will Madrigal get glassed? Probably. Will Reach fall? Most likely. Will the Pillar of Autumn narrowly escape destruction and jump to Alpha Halo, bringing Captain Keyes and Master Chief with it? I actually don’t know for sure anymore. I want to see it, but I also want to see if the Silver Timeline plays out differently. We know we have to get to a Halo eventually, but will there even be Flood on it? Will we ever get to Earth or the Ark? Is the elite we see with the Prophets the Arbiter? I don’t know and I am thrilled to be experiencing the Halo universe anew.
Is this Thel ‘Vadamee, destined to one day become the Arbiter?
Why I Love the Halo TV Series
I am writing this after just the second episode, so I may very well end up eating my words, but I have gone from thinking the Halo series was ok at best to loving the series and impatiently waiting for the next episode. I am always going to take issue with parts of the show as a person who is so familiar with the deep lore of the universe, but for what it is, I think it is pretty great. Time will tell whether the first season will become epic or if it will fizzle, but I have a lot of hope that the showrunners at least know how to make entertaining television in the Halo thematic universe.
I am also excited that this show finally has brought the Halo universe to a new audience, and this will spur new Halo projects in the future, ones that may not just feature Spartans and Halos but instead ODSTs and shield worlds and maybe even core canon. Though the show has gotten a mixed critical reception, the viewership numbers have been really good for Paramount+, and assuming that continues Paramount will definitely look to cash in on that attention, for better and for worse. Paramount is known for cashing in on a profitable idea (see: Star Trek), so lets just hope any new Halo shows are good like The Next Generation and not painfully mediocre like Discovery.
Overall this series, despite retreading on the original Halo story beats from the Halo 1-3 days, feels fresh and original. Yes, there are bits that I think are far too simplified for the sake of the new audience, but it brings a new perspective to the events of the end of the Human-Covenant War, delving far more into the characters and less into the fighting. While I gave the first episode a 6/10 originally, my rewatch has bumped that to a 7/10, and including the second episode, the show gets a 8/10 for me. I have far more hope for this show now than I did following episode one, and I can’t wait to see how the Halo story plays out from this new set of creators.
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The show header image for the Halo Television Series.
“Find the Halo, win the war.”
— Master Chief (apparently)
It has been just over a day since the first episode of the Halo Television Series, Contact, released and having just recently watched it, I wanted to write down my initial thoughts and opinions on what I saw, felt, and think of Halo’s first real entry into live-action television. While I will try to not get into too much detail, this article will inevitably have spoilers for the show, so reader beware!
For some quick background before I get started, I have always been a huge supporter of the Halo TV Series, even when the community reacted poorly to certain bits of news that we got about the story, casting, and canonicity. A TV series is, in my opinion, the best medium for telling the Halo story, namely because it can actually show the combat scenes that are such an integral part of the video games, while diving into the complex and murky lore that the novels have been able to explore and expand on to this point. Characters like Chief, Halsey, Parangosky and the like are really interesting characters because of how much they operate in the gray zone of morality, but that hardly gets touched on in the games, and has been at times inconsistently covered in the books. Television is perfect for character development, which is, in my opinion, the key to any good story, whether it is science fiction or a comedy.
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The following article will discuss major plot points related to episode one of the Halo TV Series..
Part One – Insurrection
The opening scene places us on Madrigal, a human outer colony populated exclusively by insurrectionists. It appears to be mostly desert, at least the area that we see, and the only purpose of this colony is seemingly to mine deuterium (heavy water) for humanity’s fusion reactors. While the setting is interesting, this scene immediately raises a lot of questions. For one, it is 2552, so in-canon this would be the end of the war, yet as far as we can tell the insurrectionists, or at least these innies, are completely unaware of the Covenant at all. For someone steeped in the lore this seems super weird, but of course the show is a separate canon, so this isn’t technically an issue.
The colony of Madrigal from the Halo Television Series.
My problem right off the bat is in how the universe is presented. Yes, there always could be a canon explanation for why a group of innies 25 years into the war don’t know who the Covenant are, but the way it comes off, and as far as I can tell the way it is supposed to come off, is that this war just started recently, which is of course not in the core canon. But we already know this isn’t core canon, so why am I getting stuck on this?
I think my issue boils down to feeling, and not how I feel about the show, but how the show makes the universe feel. By 2552, the start of Halo: Combat Evolved, the UNSC felt war weary, and they should have been. The war at that point had been going on for nearly three decades and they were slowly but surely losing to the Covenant. I just don’t get that feeling at all here. That is unfortunate, because one of my favorite things about the Halo universe is how it always managed to paint the UNSC as the David to the Covenant’s Goliath, yet at the same time paint the Insurrectionists the David to the UNSC’s Goliath. I love that dichotomy, though it is rarely realized to its full potential in the core canon either.
Of course knowing the little bits about the show that we do outside of the first episode, the timeline kind of has to be roughly the same duration I think. Silver Team are clearly grown adults in this show, so they are hardened veterans by 2552 in the Silver Timeline too. So maybe this initial setup is just done for simplicity’s sake, but either way it feels weird to me.
The second issue I have is just how generic the innies feel in this opening scene. I kind of figured this would be the case, but I held out hope for better character development. At least for this scene, we don’t get any chance for that as all but one of the innies dies, leaving just a single survivor, Kwan Ah. She is actually pretty good throughout the first episode, so I have hope for that character, but the entire rest of the insurrectionists felt super generic and meaningless.
I did enjoy the brutality of the Covenant attack. Animation was a little weird to me throughout, but seeing the Covenant indiscriminately blowing off limbs and heads did help to set them up as a serious threat. They even went all Order 66 on a bunker full of children while the father of one (who managed to get away just before) watches helplessly in horror. This scene could have used some longer setup to really dial up the emotional impact, but it was a brutal scene none-the-less.
The rest of this scene plays out fairly standard. Silver Team saves the day, though without saving anyone outside of the one protagonist. They investigate what the Covenant were excavating, only to find a weird Forerunner artifact. What struck me here is that this isn’t just taking the universe back to a time before the Forerunners were well known. It is taking the universe to a place where the Forerunners are entirely unknown. This is actually saying something, because while the UNSC and humanity generally don’t know much about the Forerunners in 2552 in core canon, ONI including Dr. Halsey, had found several Forerunner artifacts they were actively investigating. It is really a minor change in the end, but it is again kind of a strange choice that makes the universe feel very different overall.
Part Two – Fleetcom
We get introduced to most of the rest of the main cast in the following scenes, meeting Dr. Halsey, Captain Keyes, Miranda Keyes, and Admiral Parangosky. This part again felt very different than core canon, and in my opinion not for the better. ONI and the UNSC are kind of one and the same here, at least in how it is presented, and they come off as the all-powerful jackboot, not yet on the backfoot due to decades of fighting a losing war. This is another time when you could make a canonical reason why the UNSC is acting this way despite actually being on the losing end of a genocidal war against humanity, but the presentation seems clear that they are meant to seem tough and menacing. Its a minor issue, but an issue none-the-less.
There are parts of this that I really enjoyed too though. Captain Keyes, played by Danny Sapani, is excellent. He does seem a bit too willing to tow the murderous ONI/UNSC orders given, but his performance is excellent. I really look forward to seeing more of him.
The same goes for Natascha McElhone. Her Halsey is really good so far, and while I am still wary about how the entire show and by extension Halsey is portrayed as a blend of early war and late war themes, her performance has been really good.
The other two main characters we meet in this show are Miranda Keyes played by Olive Gray and Admiral Parangosky played by Shabana Azmi. Honestly I wasn’t that thrilled with either performance in this first episode, particularly that of Miranda. The performance felt a bit weak, and I didn’t get the sense of authority from her that I felt in the Miranda from the games. Maybe this is purposeful for the characters’ growth over the season and series, but the initial impression of the character felt a little weak.
As for the presentation of Fleetcom/ONI/the UNSC overall, I mostly enjoyed it, though as I said above, I felt more like this was pre-war UNSC rather than the beaten down and scrappy UNSC we get more of in the games. This is another one of those things that may develop over the course of the show, so I will have to revisit this later on in the season.
Part Three – Prophet
We only get the briefest of introductions to the Prophet of Mercy and Makee during this episode. This is a plot thread that will clearly drive the story, pitting John and Silver Team against her and whatever entourage of Covenant she will have at her disposal. I am a little lukewarm on this part of the story, though. I know this entire part of the story was panned by the Reddit and Twitter mobs, but I actually defended it as reasonable and logical, given the right context. Now that we know some of the context, I don’t hate it, but I don’t love it either. Time will tell how this plays out, but the interaction between Makee and Mercy felt off. Maybe it is just the CG, which feels great in some of the show, and in others feels very uncanny valley. I am interested in how this develops though, so I will hold my full judgement until later in the season.
The Prophet of Mercy, from the Malo Television Series.
Part Four – Control
The final couple scenes are what bothered me the most. As John returns with Kwan having defied the order to execute her,, seemingly for the first time ever, ONI/UNSC/Fleetcom mobilize to stop him, first by maintaining autopilot of the Condor John is in, then cutting off the oxygen to the ship and his suit. John manages to take control over both the ship and his life, but this entire sequence feels like Robocop in space. John is effectively an automaton up to this point in the Silver Timeline, which doesn’t really jive with core canon either from a timeline perspective or a character perspective. The UNSC treats the Spartans purely as military hardware, which does fit in with core canon, just not to this degree. John isn’t even trusted to fly the ship back home, and the UNSC somehow manages full control over his Mjolnir remotely.
This scene does touch on one of the most important and interesting parts of the lore for me, the conflict between duty and free will, but the show is very heavy-handed with the idea, and the entire transition from John being a soulless killing machine to making a choice to save Kwan takes place in under ten minutes. Don’t get me wrong, it makes for an interesting story, but I feel like the way this first episode has handled many of the broader themes and ideas from the Halo universe needs more nuance and a lot more time to develop.
Part Five – Summary
Overall this episode does an alright job of introducing the universe to new fans, and it does make the point to hit the major story themes I think it has to in order to be a compelling narrative beyond just a story about killing aliens. I really like that they didn’t shy away from being fairly graphic with the violence, and I am hopeful that continues, if only to highlight the hardship endured by the war with the Covenant. I am pretty lukewarm about the setup of the Silver Timeline in general, though it may grow on me as I adjust to the new canon and I am no longer surprised by a major changes to the universe. I still don’t like how they seem to have mixed the feeling of early and late war together, but again this may grow on me as I settle into the realities of new canon.
Characters are so far pretty good. I like Pablo Schrieber, Danny Sapani, and Natascha McElhone a lot in their roles. the others aren’t terrible, but they didn’t wow me at all. I will have to wait and see if that improves over the course of the season. We didn’t really get any good introduction to the rest of Silver Team outside of combat, so I am withholding judgement until I see more of them.
I will admit, the fact that this is a separate canon is a bit of a turnoff for me. The building of the universe over the past 20 years is one of the things that really interests me in Halo. I completely understand why it was done, and given the realities of show development I think it was the right choice. I can’t help but think, however, that I would have really preferred an in-canon show, even if it meant the show was stuck retreading some of the established lore. I am not going to hold this against the producers, though, since that would probably have been nearly impossible to manage.
My overall score for this episode is going to be a 6/10. Not terrible, but the show didn’t wow me and has some flaws with how it presents some characters and themes. I am looking forward to the rest of the season, though I am more skeptical that it will wow me like I had originally hoped.
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It’s been a minute since we’ve done an Evolved Digest, so lets get right into it!
Evolved + TV = An Awesome New Show
Subscribe to Halo TV+ on all major podcast services. Out now!
No, Evolved is definitely not starting a TV show ourselves, but the new Halo TV Series just landed on Paramount+, and we thought this new show with its new Silver Timeline definitely needs a podcast all its own to cover it! On Halo TV+, Join Oran and a guest twice a week as they discuss the leadup to the show’s season one release, chat about each episode in detail as they come out, and provide our thoughts and opinions on the story, the timeline, and where we think the show will go through season two and beyond! The show is available as a brand new podcast feed, and will be released in parallel on the Podcast Evolved feed as well.
To watch the show as it is released (in the US at least), head over to and sign up!
Evolved: Members Only Area
Over the years our Patreon membership has grown to a size we could not have ever imagined when we started it nearly four years ago. We keep saying it, but we are so incredibly amazed by the support we get from the community! In honor of our Patrons, we just released our first Patreon-exclusive episode discussing Aaron’s never-ending theory that Jorge actually survived the destruction of the Long Night of Solace and might be floating out in slipspace somewhere, alive and well.
To hear the episode in it’s entirety, plus get access to tons of Evolved member perks including early episodes, exclusive merch, the Evolved album, and much more, become an Evolved member at If you want a small taste of what you will get in the first Patreon-exclusive episode, check out the clip below!
Legendary Lore
Last year Evolved began our partnership with HCS Pro Talk, and since then we have worked together to create new and unique Halo content for both HCS Pro Talk and for Evolved. The most significant crossover content we have made so far is definitely the Map Legends series, where we discuss the history and lore behind Halo’s multiplayer maps. Season one covered some of Halo’s most well-known multiplayer maps of the past, and with the release of Halo Infinite, Map Legends season two is moving on to discussing the lore of Halo Infinite’s new maps. To catch all Map Legends episodes along with the latest Infinite coverage, check them out on our YouTube channel.
Impressionable Youth
On the OG Podcast Evolved front, the team is continuing with their newest series, Infinite Impressions, where they discuss their thoughts on Halo Infinite, from the initial release, to the lore, to the collectibles, and more. If you haven’t already, subscribe to Podcast Evolved on your favorite podcast service and catch up on all the latest Infinite content today!
Debrief Rebrief
Of course Halo Infinite content wouldn’t be complete without mentioning Mission Debrief! The series has returned for Infinite, covering every mission and open-world area of the initial campaign. Currently the team is about 1/3 of the way through the campaign, so subscribe now to catch up and get the latest episodes as they release every Friday. Episodes are available on most podcast services as well as YouTube.
That’s we have for now! Be sure to check out the next Evolved Digest: Blog Edition for the latest Evolved content and news!
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We have a Facebook Group and a Discord Server we use to talk with our members and fans. Podcast Evolved is always open to new members, and welcome every Halo fan to join, whether they are podcast listeners or not. We hope to see you soon!
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Tonight, we take a closer look at the brand-new Gamestop Exclusive Warthog set from Jazwares, which packs in both the Halo 3 Master Chief and the Arbiter. These figures are new for the World of Halo line, and bring a bunch of detail alongside a cool new vehicle.
You can check out our video review above, or can check out a handful of photographs alongside some of the copy from our script to read through at your own leisure below!
The Halo 3 version of the Master Chief is one of the best figures Jazwares have released in the World of Halo line in my opinion. There are lots of additional paint applications packed into this figure – capturing many of the unique nuances which make the Halo 3 suit so iconic. Not only do we have the scratch on the chest-plate and other details throughout the various pieces of armour packed into this figure, but we also have a fantastic sculpt which has plenty of articulation packed in. The quality here feels great too – with no joints sticking, allowing us to pose the figure in lots of great ways. Combine this with the classic Assault Rifle design and you have a fantastic action figure packed in.
The Arbiter is another absolutely fantastic figure – with the base gold figure here matching perfectly how this character appears in Halo 3. I am really impressed with the colour choices which Jazwares made with this figure, and I also love the commitment they made to packing in lots of additional sculpted details throughout this character. This figure really captures all of the ornate details and intricacies which the Arbiter’s armour has within the game, and the end result is a figure which feels pulled from the screen. Combine this with some great additional paint apps for the undersuit and you have another perfect figure. The cherry on top is the inclusion of the Covenant Carbine – a brand new weapon which fits perfectly in the Arbiter’s hands and looks very well scaled. Shout out to whoever at Jazwares designed these figures – they’re as close as you can get to perfect inclusions in my opinion!
Moving onto the bulk of the set – we have the Halo 3 design of the Warthog. The first thing that struck me was how this felt like a scaled down version of the Warthog McFarlane released in the Halo Reach days – which is a very good thing. That design felt incredibly faithful to the games, and I am happy to say that Jazwares have managed to achieve that same effect. The overall shaping and design of this vehicle looks fantastic and really feels as though it has been pulled out of the game. There are lots of small paint applications packed into the vehicle – with details for the lights and other elements at the front of the vehicle, to plenty of sculpt detailing packed into the seating area. There are certainly a couple of small issues – like the guards of the turret flattening a little in the packaging – but overall this is a very faithful rendition of the warthog which I think classic Halo fans will love. The vehicle also features a rotating and adjustable machine gun turret on the rear, and the vehicle has the ability to roll well across multiple surfaces too. The only improvement I would make here is a suspension system – but for this pricepoint I wouldn’t expect suspension to be included here.
When we compare this vehicle to the Halo Infinite version of the Warthog, the huge differences between the two designs become apparent – and they show how much Jazwares committed to making every element of the Halo 3 Warthog unique. I have a lot of respect for their commitment to new over reused, and I think that shows in how sharp a contrast the two designs have. Both items reflect different eras of Halo but look fantastic when compared to each other – and both have a similar scale and dimension too. When comparing them my only reflection was that the Infinite Warthog had some additional paint apps in the dashboard area – something which the Halo 3 version could have perhaps benefitted from, too.
Overall, I love this set – and I think this shows just how much the Jazwares team really get the Halo franchise. This takes one of the most iconic moments which we play through in the original trilogy and immortalizes it in a fun playset which puts quality at the forefront of what it does. I adore how much detail is packed into the figures here – really making them feel like the definitive versions of these characters which could have easily had single card back releases. I also love the amount of sculpt detail and richness packed into the Warthog – making this feel like a vehicle which has been pulled straight from the screen. I cannot fault this pack and the items it includes – and if you have the chance to add it to your collection then I definitely would. I cannot wait to see what else Jazwares create from the classic games in the future.
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We would love for you to get involved with Podcast Evolved. Here are just some of the ways you can do that.
Interested in keeping up with the latest Halo news, events, and, of course, lore? Subscribe to Podcast Evolved on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or whatever other podcast service you use to catch the latest episode.
We have a Facebook Group and a Discord Server we use to talk with our members and fans. Podcast Evolved is always open to new members, and welcome every Halo fan to join, whether they are podcast listeners or not. We hope to see you soon!
Whether or not you wish to pledge your support, you are still just as valuable a community member as ever. If you do want to help, however, head over to our Patreon page and become a patron.
Take a stop in our merch store, where you can pick up Podcast Evolved-themed shirts, hats, coffee mugs, and more! All proceeds go towards helping pay for operating costs, and any additional funds are returned to to community via giveaways and special events.
Halo Infinite is finally here, and the Podcast Evolved team have dived right into the mind-blowing new story, lore, collectibles and more!
Infinitely Impressive
To celebrate the release of Halo Infinite, Podcast Evolved has begun a new podcast series called Infinite Impressions. In this new series we will be discussing our thoughts on Halo Infinite, including the campaign, the gameplay, the lore, and the future of the game. In our first few episodes we have discussed the campaign in its entirety, so if you haven’t had a chance to listen yet (and you don’t mind major spoilers), be sure to check them out now!
Debrief Reprisal
Well with Halo Infinite out and Podcast Evolved covering the game in all its glory, you had better believe Mission Debrief is coming back for another season! We have already covered every since Halo campaign in the first 10 seasons, so stay tuned for season 11 covering all of the Halo Infinite campaign! Work is being done right now to get the season together for our listeners, with the first episode due out in the next several weeks. It is going to be the biggest season yet, so don’t miss it!
Halo TV
In addition to Halo Infinite, we also got our first real look at the Halo TV series, with the initial trailer releasing December 9th, the day after Infinite’s release! If you missed it during all the Infinite hype I don’t blame you. It looks really good though, so be sure to check out the sneak peek below.
With the TV show releasing this year, you had better believe Podcast Evolved will be covering the show in its entirety! We aren’t ready to announce anything specific yet, but we have something special in mind, so keep an eye out over the next few months for more news on our TV show plans.
Rally the Troops
The release of Infinite last month also saw the first official tournament featuring the new game, the HCS Kickoff Major in Raleigh, NC. While the Podcast Evolved crew doesn’t normally cover esports, the HCS Pro Talk guys definitely do! If you want to get all the coverage of what happened in Raleigh and what that means for the future of Halo Infinite in 2022, be sure to catch their latest episodes today!
That is all for this month! Be sure to check out the Evolved Digest: Blog Edition next month for the latest news on what is ahead for Podcast Evolved in 2022! Its going to be a busy year for sure!
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