MEGA Halo Ghost Of Requiem Closer Look | Mega Construx Halo Review
Hey everyone – and welcome to a closer look at MEGA’s latest army builder, the Ghost of Requiem. This set retails for around $16.99 and is available on Amazon and at some brick-and-mortar retailers right now. Let’s take a closer look! The set comes...
The Fans Were Right – Why the Halo TV Show Failed to Deliver
Master Chief Petty Officer John-117, as seen in the introduction to Halo the Series. “The most amazing thing for me is that every single person who sees a movie, not necessarily one of my movies, brings a whole set of unique experiences, but through careful...
Dr. Halsey or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Show
Doctor Halsey from the episode Unbound in Season One of the Halo Television Series “What does one do with a superhuman you’re not sure you can trust?” — Fleet Admiral Terrance Hood For many people, including myself, accepting the Halo TV Series...
First Contact – Halo TV Series Initial Thoughts
The show header image for the Halo Television Series. “Find the Halo, win the war.” — Master Chief (apparently) It has been just over a day since the first episode of the Halo Television Series, Contact, released and having just recently watched it,...
Evolved Digest – March 2022
It’s been a minute since we’ve done an Evolved Digest, so lets get right into it!Evolved + TV = An Awesome New Show Subscribe to Halo TV+ on all major podcast services. Out now! No, Evolved is definitely not starting a TV show ourselves, but the new Halo...
Gamestop Exclusive Warthog with Master Chief and Arbiter | Jazwares World Of Halo
Tonight, we take a closer look at the brand-new Gamestop Exclusive Warthog set from Jazwares, which packs in both the Halo 3 Master Chief and the Arbiter. These figures are new for the World of Halo line, and bring a bunch of detail alongside a cool new vehicle.You...
Evolved Digest – January 2022
Halo Infinite is finally here, and the Podcast Evolved team have dived right into the mind-blowing new story, lore, collectibles and more!Infinitely ImpressiveTo celebrate the release of Halo Infinite, Podcast Evolved has begun a new podcast series called Infinite...
‘Twas the Night of Invasion
‘Twas the Night of Invasion Twas the night of invasion, and all over Reach,All the Covenant was stirring, especially Elites. The settlers were hung, by the meat hooks with care,In hopes that team Noble, soon would be there. The Spartans were harnessed, in their...
Ten Fixes for Halo Infinite’s Progression System
Forward (Unto Dawn)The world is only two days away from the Global launch of Halo Infinite’s campaign and the Halo community remains fairly unanimous in 343i’s implementation of Halo Infinite’s multiplayer progression and customization systems. (They...